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How to Make Your Voice Deeper on the Mic (Or Anywhere!)

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By Scott Winstead

Make Your Microphone Voice Sound Deeper Even if You Sound Like a Squeaky Mouse

If you’re wondering how to make your voice deeper, you might be surprised that it’s easier than you think.

What do Morgan Freeman, Barry White, and James Earl Jones have in common? First, they all have wonderful sounding, deeply resonant voices, which are instantly recognizable by most people.

Your body is like an instrument. If you get a new set of guitar strings, they will sound nice when placed on a guitar and tuned properly. The same thing is true about your voice and body. You have a unique sound because of the peculiarities of your body, which you can also fine-tune.

This article will show you how to get a deeper voice through exercises and practice with the help of equipment and software.

In addition, I give practical voice coaching tips about how you can strengthen your natural voice with vocal exercises.

Learn how to use the audio recording technology to lower the sound of your vocals to a much deeper octave and how to adjust a high-pitched voice much lower while keeping it in tune.

You have all of this to look forward to on this journey to find and build your deep voice.

Start by saying this phrase out loud, “How low can you go?” Then, repeat the phrase several times. Each time, say it in a lower tone.


What Makes Your Voice Sound Deep?

The deepness of your voice is a part naturally occurring and a part of learned behavior. Everyone has a physical structure that gives them a vocal range. A person’s vocal range is the lowest note that a person can sing to how high they can sing.

Basically People Mark These 7 Types of Voice

If they mostly can sing low notes, they are a bass singer.

The next higher range is a baritone.

Just a bit higher is the tenor range.

If they can sing even higher, that is called the alto range.

Next is the mezzo-soprano range.

Higher still is the soprano range.

If a person can sing the really high notes above the soprano range, that is in the falsetto range.


1. Human Anatomy

The anatomy of the human voice comes from three systems of air pressure, vibration, and resonance.

The air pressure system involves the diaphragm, ribs, abdominal muscles, muscles in the chest, and the lungs.

Vocal Cords Anatomy

The vibration system involves the voice box (also called the larynx) and the vocal cords (also called vocal folds).

The resonance system involves the vocal tract, including the throat (also called the pharynx), the oral cavity, and the nasal passages.

2. Genetics That Influence the Voice

Scientists are not certain how much genetics influences the human voice, but they do believe it plays a role in why some have a deeper voice than others. Certainly, genetics play a role in the gender of a person, the structure of the vocal cords, and the development of the larynx.

3. Hormones and Testosterone

The larynx has receptors for hormones produced by the thyroid. These hormones play an important function in how the larynx develops and why some have a deep voice.

Testosterone causes the vocal cords to thicken. This thickness produces a deeper, lower pitch for the voice. When an adolescent boy experiences puberty, his voice will start to “crack.’ This means his vocal pitch will shift. As his body accommodates the changes brought about by testosterone, he may sound funny when talking or singing.

The Chemical Composition of Testosterone and Estrogen

The female hormone estrogen does not have any effect on the voice. It cannot make the vocal cords shorter or thinner.

4. Vocal Cords and Diaphragm

The thickness of the vocal cords determines the voice’s pitch. Therefore, a person with thicker vocal cords will have a deeper voice.

The Diaphragm Is Located Under The Lungs

The diaphragm is essential for singing. A flat diaphragm gives a person better control over their air supply that passes from the lungs over the vocal cords. To be a good singer, you need to have the support of a strong airstream coming from the diaphragm.

5. Age, Gender, Body Type, and Size

Teenagers go through a phase that changes their voice during puberty. This process is more dramatic in boys than in girls. As adults get older, their voices may weaken as they become elderly.

A male has Adam’s apple on his neck, whereas a female does not. Males with a lot of testosterone will have deeper voices than females with less testosterone.

Adam's Apple Makes the Voice Deeper

The entire body acts in coordination when a person sings. Height, weight, and size call all affect how your voice sounds. Usually, a taller person has longer vocal cords, which causes them to have a deeper voice.


Types of Voices

Every person has more than one voice. They have at least a head voice and a lower-sounding chest voice to use for singing or speaking.

We may have a speaking voice and a singing voice. They can be quite different. For example, a person may stutter when speaking and not have any problem when singing.

Most People Have the Mixed Voice Type

Head Voice

The head voice is responsible for making semi-high notes that are not strained or falsetto. When singing or speaking using the head voice, the sound vibrations are experienced in the head area. As a result, the voice and singing are higher than when using the chest voice. When using the head voice properly, the voice or signing comes out softly with no strain.

Chest Voice

The chest voice has a range of notes that are below the range of the head voice. When using the chest voice, you can place a hand on your chest and feel the vibration. In addition, the chest voice offers lower and warmer-sounding tones.

Mixed Voice

Most people use both their head voice and chest voice, often interchangeably, switching back and forth between them.


5 Ways to Make Your Voice Deeper for Recordings or Live Podcasts

The five ways to get a deeper voice for both recording and in real life include 1) using the right microphone and equipment; 2) software, plug-ins, and mobile apps; 3) vocal exercise techniques; 4) proper hydration and; 5) working with a vocal coach.

Ready? How low can you go? Let’s find out.

1. Microphones and Equipment

Choosing the best mic that delivers the vocal quality you are seeking along with the equipment like an EQ and software needed to modify your voice.

Types of Microphones

Getting a mic that records your voice sounding terrific is a valuable thing to do because if you are making a recording and you don’t like the sound of your voice, you will be unhappy with the process.

These Are The Main Types Of Microphones

Your choice of microphone depends on the setting where it will be used. For example, in a circumstance where you are trying to record your voice, and there is a lot of background noise, you would want to use a condenser mic with a tight cardioid pickup pattern. However, this type of mic only picks up what is spoken or sung directly into the mic from near it.

There are many technical aspects of mics to consider. For more detailed information about microphones, read the reviews of the quality microphones for home recording studio use here.


Designing a home studio for recording a voice well also includes getting the room set up properly with acoustic treatment, soundproofing if necessary, and having the proper equipment capture the vocals and process them. The processing includes turn an analog signal into a digital signal, applying filters, and adding EQ.

Get some insights about equipment from the forum discussion on the Reddit account for the live streamers on Twitch.

Pop Filters and Windscreens

Pop filters are used to get rid of plosives. Plosives are caused by a rush of air that hits the mic at high speed. They come from saying words that start with “P” or “B” and some other letters.

Use These to Get Rid Of Plosives

There are mic covers/windscreens, which can be used in windy environments to reduce the sound of wind noise.

Proximity Effect

The proximity effect happens when putting a mic very close to the sound source. To cause this phenomenon, speak directly into a mic with your lips almost touching the mic head. Many mics will add some bass to the voice that comes from the interference of the sound waves when a vocalist is in such proximity to the mic. Whether this is desirable or not depends on your choice.

This Is How Proximity Effect Works

I found some interesting tips on the Quora discussion about mic choices and the proximity effect.

Mic Positioning

Using a mic properly is the best way to improve your vocal sound and create a deeper voice. Speak or sing directly into the mic. If the mic has its own gain control, adjust the gain up or down until you find the best sounding voice. Be sure to adjust the input signal that comes from the mic and either goes to your computer or audio interface.

2. Software, Plugins, and Mobile Apps

There are software solutions, plugins, and downloadable apps to lower your recorded voice’s tone.


The category of voice-changing software has tools that you can use to change your voice slightly or very dramatically into something funny like a robot’s voice or an alien. These tools can also be used to lower the tone of your voice to give it a fuller bass sound.

Here is the list of the top-five, voice-changing software that will help you get a deeper voice:

  1. Voxal Voice Changer has a free and a paid version for Mac and Windows.
  2. Fake Voice has a free version for Windows.
  3. Clownfish Voice Changer has free Windows and Chromebook versions.
  4. MorphVOX has a free trials and Windows and Mac versions.
  5. AV Voice Changer Software Diamond has a free trial and paid version for Windows.


Music Tech gives a nice overview of the free plug-ins that can be used with various audio editing software platforms.

Here are the top five:

  1. Melda MAutoPitch works on these platforms: PC/Mac, VST/AU/AAX, (32 or 64 bit).
  2. Auburn Sounds Graillon 2 works on these platforms: PC/Mac, VST/AU/AAX, (32 or 64 bit).
  3. Vocov Software vocoder works on these platforms: PC, VST, (32 bit).
  4. SocaLabs Voc Vocal Synth works on these platforms: PC/Mac, VST/AU, (32 or 64 bit).
  5. Kerovee works on these platforms: PC, VST, (32 bit). Use the translation feature to see English.

Mobile Apps

The mobile apps available to change your voice include Voicemod (Windows, Android, and iOS), Voice Changer (Android), and Best Voice Changer (Android).

You can get them at either Google Play for Android devices or at the Apple App store for iOS devices.

3. Vocal Techniques

Using vocal techniques, you can train your voice to be lower.

Warm-Up Exercises for a Deeper Voice

It is always a good idea to use some warm-up exercises before putting any stress on your voice, especially if you are singing and want to make your voice deeper.

Do Warm-Up Exercises to Make Your Voice Deeper

Try some of the warm-up exercises featured on the School of Rock. They include yawing, sighing, humming, straw vocalizing, lip buzzing, tongue trills, loosening the jaw, two-octave glides, sirens, and slides.


Humming is one way to train your voice deeper. Humming is mentioned in this article by howtosingbetter101 along with 16 other ways to make your voice lower permanently.

Vocal Training

Working with a professional vocal coach can help you lower your voice. This video, produced by Howcast, explains many useful techniques for making your voice sound deeper.

I tried all these techniques and found them to be very useful.


Learning to pace your voice gives you more control. Pacing allows silence in-between words to spread out the words and gives you time to focus on your vocal tone.


When you are stressed, you may have that habit of having your voice go higher. Try meditation to learn how to stay calm under stress.

If You Feel Relaxed Your Voice Sounds Deeper

Using Your Diaphragm

Deep voices come from using the diaphragm. You can train yourself to do this. I call it “belly speaking or singing.” Get out of your head voice, with its nasal sound, and force the voice lower by bringing up support from the diaphragm.

This video, produced by Voiceover Masterclass, shows powerful vocal training exercises.

You will enjoy listening to the narrator of this video because he has a lovely deep voice.

4. Hydration

Always stay hydrated by drinking liquids so your voice does not crack and you don’t make unwanted mouth sounds picked up by the mic. This can go a long way to keeping your voice deeper.

Drinking Liquids

Drink plenty of water. Hot tea is also good for the voice.

Effect of Dairy Products

Avoid milk and other dairy products when preparing your voice for a recording. Dairy products can cause the buildup of phlegm in the throat and chest area that interferes with the pure sound of your voice.

Don't Eat Diary Products Day or Two Before Recording

5. Vocal Coaching

It is always helpful to work with a vocal coach to learn the tips and tricks of voice-changing from an expert. Learning to control and manipulate your voice can help you make your voice deeper.

A great way to improve your normal voice is to take online vocal training courses. For in-depth information about the best voiceover training courses, read the reviews here.


Useful Resources


A Final Word on How to Get a Deeper Voice

Having a beautifully sounding low voice is superb if it is natural. However, even if you were not blessed with such a voice from birth, you can have a great-sounding lower voice with the proper training, microphone, software, and equipment.

Learn from the pros on how to make your voice deeper on mic and read my articles for more information. For example, to learn the differences between a pop filter and foam cover, read my article here.

Putting together a video presentation? Make sure to check out our guide to the best video creation software for your voiceovers. And check out these tips to add audio to Google Slides presentations.

Have any more questions about how to make your voice deeper? Comment below and we’ll give our help.

Scott Winstead

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