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25 Time Management Questions for Students Who Want to Get More Done

By asking yourself these insightful time management questions, you can learn how to better manage your time and get more done in school or any setting.

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By Scott Winstead

time management questions for students

The further you get in school, the more papers, projects, and exams you’ll have to juggle. And of course, your responsibilities outside of school will continue to demand more and more attention as you get older. The journey through education is a whirlwind of lectures, assignments, social engagements, and personal pursuits, all vying for your attention.

With so many responsibilities, is it any surprise that a report from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America found 80% of students feel overwhelmed and stressed out?

That’s why effective time management is essential for students. It can spell the difference between academic triumph and mere survival.

But what does that actually mean? How can you make sure you’re using your time wisely to handle all of your academic responsibilies? How can you be more productive at school and in all areas of your life?

As someone who’s been working in eLearning for around 20 years and seeing how students perform, I’ve learned it all starts with taking the time to assess your current situation and figure out where you need to make some changes. And that’s what these time management questions for students are designed to help you do. Heck, I use many of these same questions to help me better manage my own time in my professional and personal life.

By asking yourself the following questions and answering honestly, you can start to get a better handle on your time management skills and find areas where you need to make some improvements. As you work your way through the questions below, remember that the destination isn’t perfection, but progress.

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1. What time do you wake up in the morning?

It’s important to make sure you’re waking up with enough time to get ready for the day without feeling rushed. If you’re constantly hitting the snooze button and starting your day in a rush, skipping breakfast, and not taking the time to mentally prepare for the day, it can set the tone for the rest of the day and make it harder to focus on what’s important. Getting up just a few minutes earlier could make a big difference.

2. What is your morning routine?

Do you have a set routine that you follow each morning, or do you just wing it? Having a set routine can help you better manage your time by ensuring that you’re taking care of all the important tasks before moving on to anything else.

3. How long does it take you to get to school?

Do you give yourself enough time to get to school, or are you always cutting it close? If you’re constantly running late, it can throw off your entire day and make it difficult to focus on your studies.

4. How are you spending your time in class?

Be honest here — are you paying attention and taking good notes, or are you daydreaming and not really absorbing the material? If you’re not paying attention in class, it’s going to be tough to do well on exams or projects, and you’re going to have to spend a lot more time studying outside of class. Use your time effectively when you’re in class.

5. Do you have any free periods during the school day?

If so, how are you spending that time? Are you using it to catch up on homework or get ahead on projects, or are you just socializing and goofing off? If you’re not using your free time effectively to handle your academic responsibilities, it can be a big drain on your productivity. Manage your time wisely and take advantage of moments where you can get things done.

6. Are you taking advantage of the resources your school offers?

Your school likely offers a number of resources that can help you with your studies, including tutoring, academic advising, and the library. If you’re not taking advantage of these resources, you may be falling behind in your coursework and costing yourself a lot of time.

7. What do you do when the school day ends?

Once you get out of school for the day, how do you spend your time? Do you head straight home to work on homework, or do you go out with friends and spend hours messing around? If you’re not using your time wisely after school, it can be tough to get all of your work done.

8. How long does it take you to finish your homework each night?

It’s important to have a good idea of how much time homework takes you on average so that you can plan your evenings accordingly. If it’s taking you much longer than it should, you may need to reevaluate how you’re approaching your work.

9. Do you have a study routine?

When it comes to studying, do you just sit down and wing it, or do you have a set routine that you follow? Using the right study methods can help you make better use of your time and ensure that you’re covering all the material you need to know.

10. How far in advance do you begin working on an assignment?

Do you wait until the last minute to start an assignment, or do you begin working on it as soon as you get it? If you’re constantly waiting until the last minute right before the due date, it can lead to a lot of stress and may cause you to rush through your work and make mistakes.

11. Do you have a good space for doing your school work?

Your work environment can have a big impact on your productivity. If you’re trying to study in a cluttered and noisy space, it’s going to be tough to focus on your work. Having a dedicated study space that’s quiet and free of distractions can make a world of difference.

12. What are some common distractions that lead you to procrastinate?

Do you find yourself getting easily distracted when you’re trying to work? do you have difficulty focusing? Maybe it’s a TV in the background or a game on your phone. Once you identify your common distractions, you can start working on strategies to avoid them.

13. What are your after-school activities?

Do you participate in any extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or volunteering? If so, how much time are you dedicating to these activities? While it’s important to have a well-rounded life, too many after-school activities can take away from the time you have to focus on your studies. Take a step back and look at everything you have on your plate, prioritize tasks accordingly, and cut out something if you have too much going on.

14. Are you setting aside personal time for yourself?

It’s important to have some time for yourself outside of school and work. Whether it’s time to relax, watch TV, or go out with friends, make sure you’re taking some time for yourself each day. If you’re constantly working and never taking a break, it can lead to burnout.

15. How do you feel about your current time management skills?

Do you feel like you’re managing your time well, or are there areas you know you need to improve? If you’re not happy with your current skills, start brainstorming some ways you can make changes. Time management is a skill that takes practice, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t

16. Are there things you wish you could do but don’t have the time?

Do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re not able to pursue because of a lack of time? If so, start thinking about ways you can incorporate them into your life. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby or making time for an old one, find ways to fit the things you love into your schedule.

17. What are your goals for the future?

Do you have any specific goals related to time management that you want to achieve? Maybe you want to be able to finish your homework in less time or get better grades. Whatever your goals may be, start thinking about how you can achieve them.

18. Are there any changes you need to make in order to reach your goals?

If you have goals related to time management, there may be some changes you need to make in order to reach them. Perhaps you need to start setting aside more time for studying or working on assignments. Whatever the case may be, start making a plan for how you can reach your goals.

19. What time do you get to sleep each night?

It’s important to get enough sleep, but if you’re staying up too late it can take away from the time you have to focus on your studies. Make sure you’re going to bed at a reasonable hour so you can get enough rest and feel good the next day.

20. How do you typically spend your weekends?

Do you spend your weekends relaxing, or do you use them to catch up on work? If you’re spending most of your weekends working, it’s important to find a balance. Make sure you’re taking some time for yourself so you don’t get too burned out.

21. How do you prioritize your tasks?

Do you have a system for prioritizing your tasks? If not, it’s something you may want to consider. Having a plan for how you’ll tackle your work can help you stay organized and on track.

22. How would you rate your level of stress on a typical day?

Do you find yourself feeling stressed out often? If so, it’s important to find ways to reduce your stress. Maybe you need to start setting aside more time for relaxation or exercise. Or maybe you can take a stress management course online to learn techniques for reducing your stress. Whatever the case may be, make sure you’re taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.

23. How do you feel about your current workload?

Do you feel like you have too much on your plate? If so, it’s important to find ways to lighten your load. Maybe you need to start saying no to some commitments or delegate some tasks to others. Whatever the case may be, make sure you’re not taking on more than you can handle.

24. What are some things you can do to lighten your workload?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your current workload, there are some things you can do to make it more manageable. Perhaps you need to start setting aside more time for each task or break down your work into smaller chunks. Whatever the case may be, find ways to make your workload more manageable

25. Are you happy with how you’re currently spending your time?

It’s important to make sure you’re spending your time in a way that’s fulfilling and satisfying. That doesn’t mean you won’t have to do things you don’t want to do sometimes, but it does mean making sure you’re not sacrificing your happiness for other things. If you’re not happy with how you’re currently spending your time, start thinking about ways you can make changes. Maybe you need to start setting aside more time for the things you enjoy or find ways to incorporate your interests into your daily life.

A Final Word on Time Management Questions for Students

By taking the time to truly assess your relationship with time, you can set yourself up for success both now and in the future.

If you find that you need to make some changes, don’t be afraid to start small, incorporating simple productivity tips students can use to make a big impact.

I also highly recommend checking out the online course “Time Management for Boosting Productivity”. With this online time management class, you can learn some highly effective tactics for prioritizing tasks and getting more done. The time management techniques you’ll learn will help you set realistic goals and develop a productive routine.

Remember, the goal is to find what works best for you and your unique situation. With that in mind, don’t hesitate to experiment until you find a time management system that works for you.

Have any thoughts on these time management questions for students? Any questions you’d add to the list? Let us know by commenting below.

Scott Winstead

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