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The 6 Best Online SAT Prep Courses & Programs (2024)

With the best online SAT prep, you can get the guidance you need to ace this incredibly important exam.

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By Fatima Mansoor

best online sat prep

As standardized tests go, arguably no other test is important as the SAT. In many cases, the test can determine whether or not a student will get admitted to his or her dream school. That’s why finding the best online SAT prep options is so important as it can greatly improve a student’s chances of performing well on test day.

Of course, there’s no shortage of online SAT prep classes out there, and as a teacher, I can tell you that not all of them are created equal. In the guide below, I’m going to share the SAT prep options I feel are the best of the bunch, based on a number of factors including the quality of the curriculum, proven effectiveness, student/parent reviews, and more (click here to learn about our entire Editorial Process & Methodology for these reviews).

What’s the Best Online SAT Prep?

1. Acely

Acely | SAT and ACT Test Prep Acely | SAT and ACT Test Prep

Acely's AI-driven platform offers a smarter way to prepare for the SAT and ACT, providing endless questions and tailored guidance at your fingertips. This digital study companion is designed to lead you towards success, one tailored practice question after another.

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My top choice for online SAT preparation is Acely, a digital AI-powered practice tool. It’s unlike any other SAT prep tool I’ve found.

Designed by an award-winning team, Acely is your ultimate stop for all things SAT. The platform has a massive database of practice questions and activities that are bound to prepare you well for the real thing. 

What really makes Acely special is the way it harnesses AI technology to revolutionize SAT and ACT exam preparation. From my experience as an educator, I’ve seen many students face challenges with these tests, and I believe Acely’s chatbot approach offers a transformative solution for test-takers.

Starting with Acely involves a first step that I believe is really key — students complete a diagnostic test to pinpoint their strong and weak areas. Following this, the AI-driven chatbot crafts a tailored roadmap aimed at achieving their target score, selecting a mix of math, reading, or science questions that align with their initial assessment results.

Aside from practice exams and other learning resources, Acely also has real-time performance data that keeps you updated about your progress. Not only is this data helpful in helping you understand what to expect, but it also helps you identify the areas where you need to put in extra hard work. 

With Acely, you won’t ever have to worry about walking in the dark because the platform is programmed to give you hints and explanations while you’re solving questions along the way.

Want to learn more? Check out our Acely review or click here to try Acely free today.

2. Khan Academy

SAT preparation is enough to make a dent in your pocket but not if you choose Khan Academy because it’s free! The most affordable option for all SAT aspirants, Khan Academy is one of the most common tools when it comes to SAT preparation. 

Don’t mistake Khan Academy for being substandard just because it’s free though, because it’s as easily efficient as most paid tools.

Like most online tools, Khan Academy first takes you through a diagnostic assessment so that it can devise a personalized study plan for you. 

Once you have your study plan ready, you can start exploring their video lessons and practice your knowledge using their practice exams.

The big drawback of Khan Academy compared to Acely is you don’t get that interactive element. It’s not ideal for people who like guidance and interaction because the platform expects you to self-learn.

3. PrepScholar

Want an online SAT prep program that has a lot of flexibility? PrepScholar can be a great choice for you.

Having detailed lesson plans, practice quizzes, and answer reviews, PrepScholar gives you a close look at what to expect from your SAT exam. 

However, PrepScholar is not for people who are looking for a relaxed learning experience. This tool requires you to go through thousands of video lessons to have a decent shot at the exam, so choose it only if you have months to prepare because it can be pretty overwhelming in my experience.

4. Magoosh

This tool is all about making SAT preparation less burdensome so you can expect to have an easy road to walk, as compared to other hectic tools. 

Depending on the subscription plan you choose, Magoosh issues you with a self-guided study program that enables you to prepare without compromising on your non-study activities.

Magoosh’s role doesn’t end here though, because throughout the year, you will be getting regular reminders and guidelines to get well-prepared for acing your SAT exam. 

However, Magoosh is not for people who require a push when it comes to studying. This platform encourages self-learning, so if you’re looking for a tool that can become your study buddy, platforms like Acely will be a better option.

5. PrepExpert

Forgot to prepare in advance and now the SAT is just around the corner? PrepExpert is the answer to your last-minute hurries.

This online SAT prep tool has you covered even if there’s just over a week left for you to prepare for your exam

PrepExpert’s curriculum takes you through all the topics required to ace the SAT, along with special tips and tricks that you can use to prepare more in a limited amount of time.

The drawback here is that this online tool doesn’t give you any additional learning material that you can revise later. All of the video lessons or resources are only for the duration of the course itself. 

6. Testive

If you’re looking for a course where you can learn at your pace but also have a tutor check in on you from time to time, Testive is a good option.

This program offers an exclusive study plan for independent learners and you can choose to upgrade your plan and discuss your progress with a tutor every couple of months. 

Of course, with this hands-on approach comes a cost. This tool is quite expensive for many, with tutor guidance coming at an even heftier price.

So, if you’re looking for affordable options or where you have constant tutor support, you might want to consider other tools. 

Final Thoughts

The landscape of SAT prep courses and programs is more cluttered than ever before, and I can tell you firsthand that not all of them are worth your time or money.

The options above are what I consider to truly be the best of the best, offering quality test prep that fits your unique needs and preferences.

Have any questions about this guide? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

Fatima Mansoor

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