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DataCamp for Business: Everything You Need to Know

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By Scott Winstead

datacamp for business

We’ve all heard the quote before: “Knowledge is power.”

In business, this is especially true.

The more we know about our clients, customers, products, and sales, the more empowered we become to improve our business decisions.

Today’s modern technology makes it easier than ever to collect huge amounts of valuable data.

Yet many employees struggle to know exactly what to do with it.

The numbers have been collected, the evidence is there… but without the proper skills and confidence, employees won’t be able to interpret it effectively.

In order for knowledge to really be powerful, it’s essential that companies focus on instilling a foundation of data literacy.

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What Is Data Literacy?

Data literacy refers to an individual’s ability to read, understand, create, and communicate with data.

Like literacy in general, data literacy means having a certain level of fluency when it comes to comprehending the data an organization gathers.

Data literate employees know how to extract meaning from a set of data, and can then use that knowledge to drive future decisions.

This may sound basic, but a surprising number of business workers tend to shy away from data-related tasks.

In fact, a survey of over 9,000 companies reported that 75% of employees feel overwhelmed when working with their business’s data.

This less-than-stellar outlook may stem from a lack of confidence, a lack of training, or a lack of time to dig deep into what data analysis really is.

The constant influx of new technology, from data collection services to AI offerings, can also lead to a feeling of burnout among employees in data-related fields.

Regardless of what causes it, though, a gap in data literacy can be a major business setback.

When data isn’t utilized, companies miss out on the opportunity to improve all aspects of their business, from their bottom line to their turnover rate.

Studies have found that companies that are more data fluent tend to make better business decisions, face fewer ethical risks, and enjoy a higher level of workplace satisfaction.

In an age where data programs and AI are rapidly evolving, it’s more important than ever to make sure your business is comfortable keeping up with the trends.

The easiest way to promote data literacy across your company is by using the resources offered by DataCamp for Business.


How Can DataCamp Help My Business?

Data Science, Data Literacy and AI Training for Your Business | DataCamp Data Science, Data Literacy and AI Training for Your Business | DataCamp

Upgrade your business with top-notch data and AI proficiencies. DataCamp for Business can help you and your team hone your data science and AI skills, so you can gain deeper insights and improve decision-making.

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DataCamp for Business is a comprehensive platform designed to educate and communicate all things data-driven.

With thousands of courses and resources available, DataCamp is a massive learning hub centered around helping businesses use their data more effectively.

DataCamp even offers a comprehensive data literacy report that provides essential insight into what your company needs to succeed.

This report, amassed after surveying over 500 companies, illuminates how data literacy can affect your company’s ROI, decision-making, culture, and climate.

The data literacy report also offers real-world strategies backed by proven success stories, making it the perfect place to begin your journey to improving your organization’s data literacy.

Whether your company has 200 employees or 10,000, DataCamp is equipped to help you put your data to work.


What Do DataCamp Courses Offer?

DataCamp courses are designed by experts, guaranteeing that the content you’re learning is specifically geared toward improved data literacy in the real world.

Whether you’re based in finance, healthcare, consulting, or tech, DataCamp has specific courses to help your business flourish in any industry.

Each industry-specific course is aimed at providing you with the specialized data skills you will need to stay competitive and grow along with your business.

Employees can upskill by field, such as Programming, Analysis, Engineering, or Visualization.

This option allows your team to build their overall understanding of data science as it relates to what they do within your organization.

It’s an excellent way for employees to gain valuable professional development certifications, too.

DataCamp also allows employees to upskill in a specific program, from Python to SQL to ChatGPT, among others.

This is an ideal path for those who might consider themselves data literate, but aren’t necessarily experts on newer technology platforms.

Instead of struggling to teach themselves the ins and outs of these new programs, your employees can follow a course designed to give them the confidence they need to advance.

Figuring out which options are ideal for your employees doesn’t have to be a challenge, thanks to DataCamp’s in-depth demo feature where an expert will walk you through the platform and answer any questions you may have.


How Do DataCamp Courses Work?

Courses are offered at Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels to ensure that your employees are getting exactly what they need to improve.

Each course offering is broken down into different sections to keep any one concept from becoming too overwhelming.

All courses are fully remote, making them convenient for employees to complete.

A DataCamp course starts with short, interactive videos to deliver content in a quick and meaningful way.

These videos are typically led by professional instructors from big names such as Amazon, Spotify, Nike, Facebook, and others.

Not only do they present the concept in an expert way, but they’re also interactive, letting your employees ask key questions as they learn the material.

After they’ve learned the concepts, it’s time for your employees to test them out using engaging practice modules.

These exercises let your employees apply what they’ve learned in real-world settings with guidance from the pros.

Since DataCamp’s practice exercises are designed to be run from your browser, there’s no need to worry about any installation.

Instead, employees can practice real-time coding and data analysis exercises from their browsers and receive quick feedback on their performance.

DataCamp courses make it possible to communicate in real-time with data professionals every step of the way.

This means that any confusion can be cleared up quickly as employees boost their understanding and application of new skills.

DataCamp also includes assessments both before and after employees begin a course, making it possible to track and celebrate growth within your business.


Is DataCamp a Good Investment?

DataCamp courses are highly effective.  In fact, DataCamp boasts a completion rate that’s almost 6x higher than traditional course providers.

With over 11 million users, it’s clear that DataCamp courses deliver the results they promise.

DataCamp is also the favored data platform of 80% of Fortune 500 companies, thanks to its comprehensive and constructive courses.

When it comes to data literacy, it can be tempting to leave things status quo or simply expect employees to brush up on their skills independently.

Failing to take steps to improve data literacy, however, could put your organization at a disadvantage.

As AI programs continue to grow in popularity, for example, so do potential risks around using this software.

Questions around AI bias and ethics are only getting more complex as more companies begin to adopt this burgeoning software.

Since DataCamp offers in-depth courses on the latest AI programs and resources, it’s a simple way to safeguard your employees against these tricky issues.

After all, a company that has invested in a strong foundation of AI understanding among its employees stands to avoid many of the pitfalls that AI programs might present.

Ensuring that your company is well-educated in data literacy also strengthens your data governance.  This refers to the policies and procedures your company uses to manage its data.

Effective data governance means that a company’s data is relevant, valuable, transparent, and compliant with regulations.

Not surprisingly, companies with more robust data governance are more successful and adaptive than companies whose data governance isn’t well-understood.

Though it can feel daunting to create a company culture that values data literacy, DataCamp for Business streamlines the process.

By letting DataCamp drive the necessary instruction and supply your employees with everything they need, you can seamlessly build data literacy across your entire organization.


Final Thoughts on DataCamp for Business

DataCamp for Business is a powerful tool for getting the most out of your company’s numbers.

DataCamp courses are run by top experts and designed to give your employees real-world practice without bogging them down with unnecessary background noise.

Employees can target the exact skills and programs where they need to build confidence.

Completing these courses builds data literacy and provides key professional development across your entire organization.

Fostering data fluency in your company can strengthen its data governance, boosting your company’s relevancy and transparency.

Increased data literacy can also help you maximize everything from your business’s ROI to your employment rate, while avoiding unnecessary risk and burnout.

Want to see how it all works before you sign up? You can book a demo with DataCamp to see the platform in action and learn more about how it can help your organization reach its goals.

Essentially, DataCamp for Business is the tool your employees need to turn raw data into meaningful knowledge.

And knowledge, after all, is power.

Scott Winstead

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