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Boosting Employee Training and Onboarding with Zoho Webinar

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By My eLearning World

Discover how Zoho Webinar revolutionizes employee training and onboarding with interactive tools, session recordings, and engagement metrics. Enhance virtual learning, boost retention, and create a culture of growth in your organization.

transcribe audio to text

The 5 Best Ways to Transcribe Audio to Text

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By Fatima Mansoor

Do you need to transcribe audio to text? Trying to figure out the best way to go about transcribing a recording accurately? Transcribing audio to ...

google workspace tips

13 Google Workspace Tips for Your Business

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By My eLearning World

If you’re looking for Google Workspace tips that can help your organization become more efficient and more productive, you’ve come to the right place.  In ...

what can you do with a vpn

What Can You Do With a VPN? 10 Cool Ideas

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By My eLearning World

Working, shopping, gaming, traveling, relaxing… there’s no denying that the internet has changed the way we experience all of these activities. As the divide between ...

how to create a web form

How to Create a Web Form: Tips & Best Practices

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By My eLearning World

Anyone who has ever used the internet is familiar with web forms. They’re everywhere — from email signup forms to checkout forms to contact forms. ...

3 Best Ways to Convert PowerPoint Presentations into SCORM at No Cost

3 Best Ways to Convert PowerPoint Presentations into SCORM at No Cost

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By Scott Winstead

PowerPoint is a popular format, yet in some cases you may want to convert your deck into SCORM. A better fit for e-Learning, SCORM works smoothly in most LMSs. Check out the 3 best ways to convert PowerPoint to SCORM at no cost, and leave your feedback!